Monday, April 11, 2011

The Semester And Me

Ok. So an year has passed through Stephen's and me and my friends have been at the receiving end of an experiment. So here's a lowdown on all the stuff I've been through because of the new system. All protesting  people, here's what i think... (arts people, ahem, your attention please).

First, all the good stuff...

1) I have to study like crazy. Unlike my seniors who more or less idled their way through the year, we had to sit and study. People who go to college to do everything but study would not buy my argument, but then, if its education that you seek, then the semester system pretty much forces it into you.

2) For all the extra-curricular activities that certain people hanker about, I shall give you my example. I got to go to a fairly large number of quizzes, make some money on the side through the fests happening in and around Delhi and also go on a few dates (if that counts in extra curricular and all round development).

3) Teachers have been more or less forced to get down and to the point with the studies. Maybe its just my college or maybe its just me, but teachers have taken it on themselves to face the semester face on as it is. No one is absent without a reason and if this happens for all colleges, I don't think syllabus would have a problem covering itself. Yes, it would make a few teachers angry for eating into their vacation time (i suppose that would explain a lot of the protests :-P ) but then students should be rather happy that they get extra time from their teachers.

4) The syllabus. Its better suited for the time. The old one was just that - Old. Its very lucky of us to have a course that will be more up to date and not what our ancestors studied. Kudos to the people who made it. Now that I've gone through most of first year, I can see how structured it is and how everything connects. *Happy*

Now the cons..

1) Its a little hectic. Ok, I give up. Its very hectic. Not the theory classes. They are very well managed if you go home and study. Its the practicals that suck your body dry. (Art people don't worry, you won't have 'em). To blaze through 8-9 experiments just for the sake of completing a list isn't a good habit.

2) Teachers will take time to get used to the new system. Its fairly obvious that they are struggling. But then its only a matter of time. So no qualms there. Only the new fucchs would have to worry.

3) The number of classes we have in a day is amazing, when compared to the classes that people in the arts block have. But then I love my subject, so I have no problem. Its the people (yes, you artsy) who aren't used to this kind of life who'll think of this as torture.

There are a lot more I'd love to say but then I have 4 projects to submit, practical files to complete and am just emerging out of a week full of tests. So my mind (quite like the Windows system most of you use) has blanked out. Namaste. 

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