Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't despair, its just an exam!

Its been long since i wrote. Haven't got the time since the internal exams began. The highpoint of the month was the National Science Fest, and the talk/lectures given by the scientists/scholars were amazing. Ok...hmmm.... Reading through my blog, i've realized that I only talk of myself. So I plan to write about something/someone other than me. Here goes...

The Indian Institutes of Technology. The pinnacle that anyone and everyone who wants to be an engineer aspires for (am really sad to add, anyone/everyone who wants to be a rich bank manager as well). If you're a student just getting out of your 10th board hullabaloo, I should tell you that an even bigger tsunami+earthquake is waiting for you right around the corner. The moment you decide that science is what you want to do (science, unfortunately is equal to engineering for most ignorant students), you'll be bombarded with advice, guffaws and awe at the same time, and with lots of calls asking you to join "abc" coaching institute to guarantee a place in the IITs. Wow!
Ok... lets be a little more structured about this.

About the IITs...
The Indian Institutes of Technology were set up by Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru some time after India got independence. The purpose behind the move was to get a steady stream of engineers/scientists who could build the new India. An India that would be scientifically advanced and a technological superpower. Pt.Nehru's vision was well guided ,to say the least. India did produce a steady stream of highly qualified engineers. Only that most of them decided to earn (much more) in foreign countries and help them realize all that Pt.Nehru had hoped for India. Not that all of them went but many did and that hurt.

The rat race
The entrance exam to get into the IITs has undergone many changes and I, being not around when they happened, can't comment on them. What i can comment on is the way that it is now. Its a gruesome affair. I have deep respect for all those who made it through with their hard work and sweat but its the sheer number of students who are clueless about their future while entering coaching centers that my heart whines for. Its as   if there is no other option on the planet except engineering if you've taken up science. Mostly its the parents who push their children but then the present state is really sad. The exam itself is very competitive and ensures that none but the best get in. But a large number don't (you need to slog like crazy or you're a genius) and then suffer not knowing what to do. "Of course", they say, "you drop an year and try again." Again, only the one's who've slogged like crazy get in (the geniuses are already through in the first attempt (: ). Once, i was part of this race as well. But then, wanting to do science all my life, the exam was taken less than seriously. Yes, the pressure was immense to perform because, apparently, it shows where you stand amongst a sea of students.
I didn't get through of course. You need to work hard to do that. :P

Options! Options! Options!
Now, people reading this, please don't despair if you don't get into the IITs. Brilliant if you do, congratulations, but most of you won't, no offence. But THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS!!! I'm not talking of other options in Engineering Colleges or AIEEE (i got a good rank in that one though (: ). What I'm getting at is the fact that you have a lot of pathways stretching in front of you. If you are an Engineer at heart, I'd suggest that you try hard. But if you're not, please look around. I'll give you an example. Destiny is smart. She's intelligent. But not hardworking. :P She didn't get a good rank.(She did clear UPTU, which is good). But generally, she did bad. But as I said, she's smart. She saw all the pathways lying in front of her and tried everything. She tried getting into ETE (become a govt.teacher, pays a ton) and then the entrance exam for the College of Art. (She did a lot many more but I'm not enumerating stuff. Just know that she's smart ). And she got through!!!. People slog for years (many more years than they slog for engineering colleges at least) before getting in! And she got through in the first attempt after a few months of preparation. Ok, enough about destiny. Can't help it. Sorry. :) What i was trying to get at is that you should try your hand at whatever suits you and keep your options open. Destiny knew she was good at art. But now its become her life and she's loving it. And so should you.

I realize i've written a lot and so i should stop. I hope you get what I meant. Please don't despair. Please. Leave comments if you wanna. Namaste.

PS : IITs have nurtured and produced one of the brightest minds in the country/world and all credit to them for being such an amazing establishment.


  1. So very true.

    I'm in 12, and my parents just don't seem to know about anything other than IIT! It's like perfectly good institutes for science don't even exist for them! :(

  2. of course you tried talking to them... no one listens... :( don't despair though... :)
